Friday, October 10, 2014

Summary and response-blog post

        While researching articles I came across a blog that adressed the issue on whether college ahletes should get paid. The article,"The NCAA Makes Billions and Student Athletes Get None of It", written by Greg Johnson,was originally published in the student-run Daily Targum at Rutgers University. In this article Johnson informs the audience of the revenue that the NCAA is comissioning off of what these athletes are providing. He argues that it is unfair and believes that student athletes "should simply be allowed to operate within the free market like anyone else in America".He feels as though these student athletes should get some sort of recognition. Lastly Johnson comes up with a soltution that "schools can pay what they want, and athletes should be able to sign endorsements for their own likeness and image". Johnson is not really angered by this unfairness but believes that there should be an end to this unjustice. 

       In this blog article I believe that Johnson did a good job at bringing the issue to light without trying to sound so bias. Although his diction is seen throughout the article as he addresses the unfairness he does also bring up why and how the NCAA works. Although I do not agree with him completly by letting atheles sign what they want, I do agree with the fact that these athletes hardwork should be repaid or at least not go unnoticed. Johnsons use of outside research and then putting in his personal obeservation helped me look at this issue from a different perspective. What I woul have liked to see more is Johnson use more direct examples instead of just vagualy summarizing the problems. What I really liked though was when he was able to compare similar topics to maybe those that are not so familiar with the sports world for example he compared if one was  an English scholar and they write a novel that becomes a best seller, but have to forfeit any profit to the school because youre expenses are already taken care of. This article helped me see the issue from a different perspective but failed to convince me fully because he made it seem as though just getting money would be simple and failed to bring up what and how would that money be used. 

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